Waterloo nutrient strategy meeting to be held as webinar

Adam Schnieders, DNR, at 515- 281-7409 or Adam.Schnieders@dnr.iowa.gov;
Dustin VandeHoef, IDALS, at 515-281-3375 or dustin.vandehoef@iowaagriculture.gov; or
John Lawrence, Iowa State University, at 515 294-7801 or jdlaw@iastate.edu.

WATERLOO – Due to the winter storm, the informational meeting regarding the recently released Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy scheduled for Friday in Waterloo will instead be held as a webinar.

The meeting will still begin as scheduled at 10 a.m., but will be accessible at https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/nutrientstrategy. No staff will be present at the Ramada Waterloo/Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center.

Comments on the strategy will not be accepted during the meeting, but all Iowans are invited to review the full strategy and provide comment at www.nutrientstrategy.iastate.edu.

The webinar will be archived and posted Monday at www.nutrientstrategy.iastate.edu.

[12/21/12 addition - the webinar archive is now available for viewing]